
When it comes to specialised industrial applications, we at Ramsauer have developed suitable sealants that can fulfil the strict requirements in this sector.

Large, silver special machine in an industrial hall.

Specialised sealants for specialised applications

Sealants and adhesives for different industrial applications must be able to meet stringent criteria and satisfy specific standards. These include cleanliness checks and significant exposure to chemicals.

Sealants for extreme requirements

Clean rooms are required for specific processes in medical technology, manufacturing and spray shops. They have to follow strict hygienic rules that vary by industry. Even minuscule particles can cause faults and damage. And having perfectly sealed joints of all kinds plays a crucial role in this. As a result, there are exhaustive processes for developing and testing clean room silicones and hybrid sealants. By taking these pains, we ensure that these materials can withstand the toughest stress and strain.

  • The sealants must be highly chemical-resistant.
  • User-friendly – easy to apply and quick to cure.
  • Only use tested and low emitting materials.

A sanitary seal with Ramsauer products

Materials that come into contact with food or beverages must satisfy stringent criteria. For instance, sealing work cannot be performed in these application categories without meeting special cleanliness standards. At the same time, the attractiveness of joints in kitchens also plays an important role. And the sealants should be able to undergo thorough cleaning with disinfectants without sustaining damage.

  • Are the materials approved as food and drink-grade?
  • The materials should have minimal odour.
  • Only use low emitting silicones.

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